Sunday, November 30, 2014

What would it be like to be inside a lemon?

(A prompt I had to answer in 8th grade art class.)

To be inside of a lemon would smell good, be hard to move, and dark.

First, it would probably smell good to be inside a lemon. Normally, air fresheners are made to smell like fruits, sometimes lemons, so it would smell good, until, of course, the lemon gets rotten.

Second, it would be hard to move around. How would you get inside it? And if you did, you'd have to make a hollow area for yourself. Then, when you start moving around you'll squeeze juice into your eye, and that would hurt.

Finally, it would be dark. If you were inside a lemon, you'd be closed in without any light.

So, if you somehow managed to get yourself inside a lemon, it would smell good, be hard to move around, and it would be dark.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Look, It's 2014

I'm finally settled in at CalArts after a fun but crazy winter break doing a lot of fun stuff with YoungArts. And thanks to my being nerdy in high school and taking a lot of AP classes, this is actually my sixth and final semester of college. Yay, graduation in 4 months!

Last semester ended on a pretty cool project for a creative writing course here called Literary Citizenship: Tiny Press Practices. It made me feel good about the possibilities in being an artist for my own sake, and I got a chance to self-publish my first book.

It's a small, hand-sewn 2.5" x 2" book with a balsa wood cover. The story is entitled "There's a monster behind the shower curtain." and it's a sort of metaphysical tale about a girl who befriends the monster that haunts her bathroom at night, and learns how to deal with the inexpressible things in life. 

I made a run of about 40 books, but I want to alter the layout and design a little bit and do another run of 50, and possibly sell them via Etsy or the likes. (But I also like giving them as gifts.)